myspace graphic comments

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

sharing is caring..


hari ini ingin aku kongsikan sebuah   kisah pendek yang aku terbaca di majalah RD(reader's digest)  -june 2013-ms 73...
  mungkin ada yg da terbaca,...tapi tetap ingin aku kongsikan juga..

 TITLE: no batteries required.

[ to commemorate his first visits to our library,I gave a six-year-old boy a bookmark.more familiar to electronic gadgets than old-school tools,he had no clues how it i demostrated by placing it between two pages,than closing the book.
    "when you start reading again ,voila!!"i said ,opening the book to my bookmarked page.
"wow!! he said,"That's cool!!".....]

...a little bit funny but carries more meaning actually...
...zaman sekarang budak  baru pandai nak belajar duduk pun tau macam mane nak gunakan, paling mudah henset parent diorg...uii macm da lama guna je...aku yg da besar nie pun terkial2 nak guna.
pengalaman sendiri- 2 hari lepas sepupu aku umur 3 tahun datg umh ...ade org kol henset ,aku ingatkan ibu die punye..rupenye that 3 years old boy yg punye...aku tnye who's calling???...kawan am ....yang umurnye sebaya die...wushh,,!!!....hebat tul penangan gajet. aku dapat henset first aku umur 13 tahun lepas UPSR...itupun yg x de background screen...takpelah..maybe dunia skarng da moden...

world change very too late to catch it :):):):)
